Friday 31 January 2014

Best SEO Companies India

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All Your Data
In One Place

Moz Analytics tracks the performance of all your inbound marketing efforts on one platform. We show you how your social presence impacts your SEO Services. You see how your content is being shared through social channels and how that drives traffic to your website.

When you understand the relationships between your content, search marketing, social activity, brand mentions, and inbound links, all your efforts will be on the same page.

IP Checker

Class C IP Checker
Did you know that it is considered better to host multiple cross-linked sites on different Class C IP ranges?
This nifty tool checks whether the same Class C IP range is hosting two or more domains, which will help you discover duplicate IP addresses and Class C blocks. Simply enter a minimum of two, and up to 20, domain names (one domain per line) in the large text box and begin your test.
When you share an IP address with other sites, it can have a negative impact on the Page Rank and SEO efforts for your own website. When you share an IP address with other websites that have been blacklisted or intentionally blocked by search engines due to inappropriate content, it will have a negative impact on your website as well.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

SEO Services india

Keyword Position Tool

Keyword Position Tool
Search engine optimization goal- that coveted position in the top 3 results on search engines. It can take some time, but each milestone means you’re doing something right. Use this free tool to check your position in the top search engines for specific keywords to determine what is working, and what needs more work… Enter one keyword per line in the first box, the domain/website to test in the second box, select the boxes for which search engines you want to check, select which page range you want to check, then click on “Check Position” and watch the tool do its thing!

How Does The Keyword Position Tool Work?
This tool is scanning through search engine results for the keyword/phrase you entered to determine where your website or link is located.  As the test runs, it’s good to see green results immediately. That means your website was found on the first page for results by search engine for that keyword. Even if you don’t have a position in the top 3, a front page position is good news. However, if your website isn’t showing in the top ten pages then you have a problem. Either you haven’t optimized for that keyword, or you haven’t followed quality guidelines and your website may be penalized.
Here’s some tips on how you can get a better keyword position:

    Choose your keywords carefully. Be as specific as possible with long tail keywords, and focus on those with lower competition. Click here to read more about tips on choosing keywords.
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 Less is more. Websites who optimize for a handful of great keywords will get a higher position than those who optimize for a large number of decent keywords.
    Quality matters! Search engines reward quality websites that engage human visitors with a higher keyword position. Read more about the importance of quality content here.
    Build valuable backlinks. Just like with keywords, less can be more. Use this tool to check your backlinks to find out the Page Rank of websites that link to your website. Authority links are ideal, and avoid cheap shortcuts like buying a ton of low quality backlinks, as this can result in a lower keyword position or even being blacklisted by search engines.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Best SEO Company India

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Critical SEO Tips After Google Penguin Update -newglobalsteptechnology

Most popular questions after the last  google penguin update are:  Is the off-page activity still beneficial after the new update 2 .1? Is Social bookmarking, submissions, forum profile links and blog commenting still effective now? Best SEO Services india Sure, we are very confused about our SEO tasks (especially link-building process). I would like to provide you with some important SEO tips after penguin update. I don’t consider myself as a totally acknowledged person in the post-penguin SEO era, but I hope, my recommendations will be helpful for you.
Two Major Valuable intangible attributes,  any website owners should include in their search engine optimization plans are – Natural and Coincidence. I will make an effort to explain briefly what I mean in the next paragraphs. To begin with let’s point out the features, we should forget: building back links technically, creating unrelated, duplicated content, posting articles and doing this sort of stuff on the daily basis.
This article focuses on main search engine optimization tips, ideas, interesting suggestions and examples after the last Google penguin update.
At this point let’s carefully consider our mission and goals and objectives. Each and every website owner wants to expand his business in virtual world or add new prospects and customers. Internet marketer tries to identify specific, measurable, time bound, attainable and realistic goals to implement his concepts and path to the central mission. I want to add a few features to our goals – Natural, Coinciding and Relevant. This three attributes ( combined with the rest ) should become our basement . I will try to expand this subject and add examples.
1 .We have just started the website ( 2-3 months ), performed some on-page SEO, created duplicated several niche essays and build links from low authority spammy sites – NO, Google can discover that, thanks to Penguin and Panda. Ignore these kinds of short-term strategy for rapid, immediate positioning. Keep away from asking yourself-how Google treats article, directory submission and will such activities effect me? Start thinking from the point of modern SEO branding level-Be Natural, authoritative and relevant. Let’s invest following SEO attributes in our campaign.
First of all I start to think about my goals, mission, vision, branding statements - What are my advantages ? Where I desire to stand in one year? How much visitors, prospect or revenue I want to generate? What are my competitive advantages that I can offer to my visitors.
Start crafting you advantages and benefits into your content, build and integrate content naturally. Content is still the king and it will become more important in the next years – so improve and boost your content background. And soon real people will begin linking you back, making some good comments and increasing your brand awareness. I realize that such campaign is more time consuming, but definitely will position you beneficially in the future. The truth is that many things in internet marketing is related to coincidences and you may very well benefit in short periods too. How can I do it ?
Generate a buss, Become social and Creative, integrate new content, videos, images – Before everything else, understand risk /benefits of such strategy. Create new funny, strange, or unique (too interesting) content, but always presume the feedback and pay attention to the negative pr bombs, you content can generate. Share it everywhere on Facebook, twitters.
Never invest in benefits coming from your imagination – Stop promoting the product, you are not aware of or have not used. Never market crap, created by internet marketers or by you. In real business – will real people buy something crap or be convinced by you? No.
Take advantage of coincidences and Concurrences - You should utilize partial anchor text links instead of exact anchor text links. Let’s say the our main keyword is- ‘’Medical Services’’, create such anchor -‘’If you want to see more tips and suggestion about medical services, visit’’. Google is smart enough to understand what you want .
And lastly I would like to say that, we have no guidelines from the latest Google penguin update. This tips after penguin 2 .1 update are recommendations respected by serious marketers.

Sunday 19 January 2014

15 Ideas for Your Content Marketing Strategy

All indications are that the Content Marketing will have a vital role in marketing campaigns large and small companies. We want to share 15 ideas for your content marketing strategy: best seo company india
1. Determines the mission of your content marketing plan.
Many companies create content and share it on their social networks but do not know what the purpose of what they are doing. Be sure to define concisely what your mission is. What do you get?
2. Partner with other companies outside your niche.
Many times from within our company we can not see beyond, so we partner with other companies can help develop higher quality content and creativity.
3. The quality is paramount.
It is no regular content create thousands of not having any impact, it is better to focus efforts on creating less content to have a much greater impact.
4. Involve other departments of your company.
Everyone in your company can be part of your content strategy, everyone has to contribute, not only your marketing team .... surely the "boring accountant" can surprise you with some great idea.
5. Who are you going?
Determine who is targeted your content and where they spend their time online. Also find out who are the influencers in your industry and think how you can reach them.
6. Develops content about the history of your industry.
Better if anyone has developed anything before but if you think there is something like can improve it, perhaps graphically, or a video, or explained in a comic ...
7. Use different forms of content.
There are many forms of content marketing can help you reach your audience such as: items, lists, infographics, video infographics, podcasts ....

8. Talk to your vendors and defines the main concerns of your customers.
Develops content to address these questions, it is a good opportunity to turn a weakness into a strength your company.
9. Set goals to increase the number of subscribers to your website.
One of the benefits of content marketing is customer loyalty-readers, so it is a variable to take into account.
10. Unity is strength.
Partner with leaders in your niche to create content together.
11. Create visible content on multiple platforms.
Today we create content that can be viewed on smartphones and tablets.
12. Breaks the mold.
Occasionally make a piece of content that no one expected, see what happens.
13. Choose 10 bloggers to brainstorm.
You could choose a 10 bloggers in your niche among all get an idea of ​​viral content.
14. Be different.
Dare to be different and to tell stories differently.
15. Measure everything.
Note that content have brought more traffic, more links, more subscribers, and so on. It will help you create better content each time.

Saturday 18 January 2014

New Global Step - Your IT Outsourcing Partner

Welcome to New Global Step Technology (NGST) team is given best affordable solutions for all IT technology services like that SEO Service, SMO Service, PPC Campaign Ads, Internet Marketing ,Website Design and Web Development, Mobile Application. Our expert team have given top successful works online website promotions for business strategy to the growth. We are well manage all type advertise program wide range of the SEO service for website promotions, pay per click, social media optimizations, facebook , Twitter fan likes, Google Adwords service in all world. If you growth his business join our expert team for prosperous get enquiry from search engine optimizations Top Ten Ranking company provide to the complete solutions purpose of growth your business online.
We grab best professional team would like work for your website SEO,SEM,SMO services in first page show your website few month in major search engines Google, Yahoo, Bing an all in one online internet marketing services. we have promised better service to our customers and his requirements resolve by expert technical people works in company. we are make few month takes for website promotions and increase customers through search engine all of these services get an affordable company in India.

Philosophy has moved on with the philosophy of perfection. Perfection is possible if we are able to satisfy our clients. No matter what our clients may demand for a Search Engine Optimization we offer them and satisfy them with our service.


Quality has been the key for our success as we provide high quality services for SEO Services, Internet Marketing,Web Designing,Web Development, Mobile Application Development . We have been using the best range of hardware and software platforms along with latest technologies. Within few years we have market a niche position in the IT industry. With time our business has been increasing at all verticals especially in the domestic and international market. We are committed professionals who ensure customer satisfaction with quality work and timely delivery.