Tuesday 28 January 2014

Keyword Position Tool

Keyword Position Tool
Search engine optimization goal- that coveted position in the top 3 results on search engines. It can take some time, but each milestone means you’re doing something right. Use this free tool to check your position in the top search engines for specific keywords to determine what is working, and what needs more work… Enter one keyword per line in the first box, the domain/website to test in the second box, select the boxes for which search engines you want to check, select which page range you want to check, then click on “Check Position” and watch the tool do its thing!

How Does The Keyword Position Tool Work?
This tool is scanning through search engine results for the keyword/phrase you entered to determine where your website or link is located.  As the test runs, it’s good to see green results immediately. That means your website was found on the first page for results by search engine for that keyword. Even if you don’t have a position in the top 3, a front page position is good news. However, if your website isn’t showing in the top ten pages then you have a problem. Either you haven’t optimized for that keyword, or you haven’t followed quality guidelines and your website may be penalized.
Here’s some tips on how you can get a better keyword position:

    Choose your keywords carefully. Be as specific as possible with long tail keywords, and focus on those with lower competition. Click here to read more about tips on choosing keywords.
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 Less is more. Websites who optimize for a handful of great keywords will get a higher position than those who optimize for a large number of decent keywords.
    Quality matters! Search engines reward quality websites that engage human visitors with a higher keyword position. Read more about the importance of quality content here.
    Build valuable backlinks. Just like with keywords, less can be more. Use this tool to check your backlinks to find out the Page Rank of websites that link to your website. Authority links are ideal, and avoid cheap shortcuts like buying a ton of low quality backlinks, as this can result in a lower keyword position or even being blacklisted by search engines.

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